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The Lincoln Project

Jul 28, 2023

Host Reed Galen is joined by the Lincoln Project’s Deputy Political Director, Philip Germain, to discuss the latest in the No Labels third-party-effort. They break down why the electoral math doesn’t work, how their recently published policy positions lack substance, and why a No Labels “Unity” ticket helps...

Jul 26, 2023

Host Reed Galen is joined by Financial Times columnist Jemima Kelly to discuss the comedic value of Donald Trump, the Mar-a-Lago ecosystem, and why our nation still cannot look away from Donald Trump. Plus, a UK lens on the American political landscape. Be sure to check out the latest from Jemima Kelly at Financial...

Jul 21, 2023

Host Reed Galen is joined by Miles Taylor, a national security expert who previously served as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They discuss Miles’ (sometimes horrific) experiences from inside the Trump administration at DHS, why he came out against the administration (first anonymously...

Jul 19, 2023

Host Reed Galen is joined by Pulitzer Prize winning and New York Time bestselling author, Stacy Schiff to discuss the life of Founding Father Samuel Adams, his role in the American Revolution, and the legacy he leaves behind (despite his best efforts not to). Plus, what are the parallels between our nation's infancy...

Jul 13, 2023

Host Reed Galen is joined by Brendan Ballou, a Federal Prosecutor who served as Special Counsel for Private Equity in the Justice Department's Antitrust Division. They discuss the inner-workings of how private equity works, how it's reshaped American business (by raising prices, reducing quality, cutting jobs, and...